Archive for August 13th, 2008

Wordless Wednesday- Olympics 2008

Fireworks during the opening of Olympics in Peking, China..Good luck to all players and athletes!!have a nice day to all!!!

Tickets To Go for Fun and Entertainment

Before I left Las Vegas, my brother-in-law treated as on a show. He bought tickets for the Barney and Ringling Brothers Circus held at New Orleans Hotel and Casino. It was my first time to watch the greatest show on earth. The circus was really amazing. I felt young and rejuvenated after watching the show. […]

Great Site for Video Production and Presentation Services!!

Every company has its own story to tell. From business, money, finance, entertainment, shopping, internet, politics, advertisements, movies and all sort of businesses have its own uniqueness especially on how they present and provide their products and services. This time I want to feature here in my page about a great company that provides video […]

Best Solution to Data Recovery Problems

I’m not a computer programmer, nor an IT specialist or a an expert in computer hardware and software either. I know how to turn on and off my personal computer. I know how to use internet, surfing in the world wide wed, send and reply emails and any other basic things in the internet and […]

Domino in Funfair

Take a break…take a kitkat!! not this time!! but take a break, take domino pix…Oh yeah, I understand that it is very monotone to just see all words in my post here…so from time to time i’m putting in betweens some pictures to cool off your eyes!! what do you think!! have a nice day […]



Hi dear friends and visitors!! thanks for visiting me here!! Have a great and blessed day!!



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