Not So Cold Day!
Let me greet you first a happy and lovely weekend!! It is not a very cold day today. This afternoon was around 8 degree C. We just arrived from Burglengenfeld after buying some things. On our way to this place, there was a car that was burning. We can’t go through because some fire trucks were on the road trying to kill the fire. It was only a car but it seems scary. I am just thankful that the driver who is a lady was not hurt as her car started to burn. Since our car was park some meters from the burning car, I tried to go out of the car and walked near the burning car to watch it close. I did took some photos too. A lot of firemen and a police car was also there. It took maybe almost one hour before we can proceed to Burglengenfeld. At least we are home now. I hope to share some photos later from the burning car. It’s time to have a short break and prepare for dinner. I wish to go walking with my husband after eating dinner but it is getting colder now. Anyway, any idea what is the best diet pill on the market?? see you later!!