Gardening Is One of My Passion!
I believed I am having a great day today! You know why? I found out that most of my blogs are having PR’s now. Thanks goodness for this great news! I am also happy because I was able to work in our garden this morning before the weather gets colder. It is getting colder this afternoon again! My special topic for today is about one of my passions which is gardening. To begin the story.. I want to tell you that I get sad everytime I see that some of my flowers in the garden are eaten by some insects or animals. Last week, I found out that my roses have a lot of insects. Sometimes I poured water with soap in it hoping that the insects will be gone. It don’t help though. Just this morning I also found out that some insects are also eating my lily plants which are about to bloom some flowers. I also found some snails that are eating my other flowers like petunia, pansies, lobella and a lot more.
I am not really an expert on how to get rid of these insects. I am thankful that I found this site called Safer Brand who have some information about organic gardening products. I am not really using pesticides and insecticides on my plants and flowers because I know that they are not good for the environment and for people also. It’s been a long time that I want to search about organic gardening but I am just always busy. Now I know where to find it. I love the topics about pest control, house plants and garden decor at Safer Brand. This will be another great site for me. If you have the same problem like me about pests and insects in your gardens, you can visit Safer Brand for relevant information! Happy gardening!These are some of the Roses in our garden from last year’s picture. I still have a lot of roses that are starting to bloom flowers now. I will share the photos next time.