It’s Dog Time
We are in the middle of the year already. Five months had pass and I hope that this month is a great one for all of us. So what’s our great topic for today. If you love dogs, I also love them! I have 6 dogs at home and they are thousand miles away from me. We presently have no dog in our house because there is no place for him. It means we have quite a small house. I have a friend near us who want to give me their dog. Why not, if we have a place for the dog to stay. Sorry friend, I just can’t take your dog. The second problem is that, your dog is quite wild and untamed I guess. I even see him biting your furniture, eating your leather couches and bark to the highest especially if he see people around. That would be another problem for me if I take him.
If I know earlier that there is a dog training camp, I might take this dog. Where to get help for your dog attitude problems? will help you tame and discipline your dog. I was amazed as I visited their site especially after I watched the videos on how Kevin trained untamed dogs. Wow that’s a great talent on training dogs. How I wish I have such talent. This is the first site that I visited about dog training and I found it very interesting. Do you have problems with your dogs? Go to! I guess this site is what my friend need for her dog! Have a great day with your dogs!
I am also sharing a picture of my cute dog back home!