Hilton Hotel in Mactan Island, Cebu
I have to be frank with you guys. I don’t have the chance to sleep overnight at Hilton Hotel in Mactan Island, Cebu but I had the chance to visit it twice. I can also afford to stay overnight here but I have some priorities which I find more important rather than staying in this luxurious hotel. It is enough for me to see its amenities and maybe next time when dear HB comes with me for a vacation, we may stay here for a night or two. Have you seen the first picture I have here? Is this some sort of Franke sinks? I love this style. I am planning to have one for this when we will make another bigger room or masters bedroom in our house next time. I already spent too much money only for the terrace expansion in our house. What I love is, the terrace is facing the sea where you can see the very beautiful sunset.
The view of the beach at the 20th floor of the Hilton Hotel. I had the chance to visit this hotel to meet my sister’s fiancee and bid goodbye to my dear cousin Ann before she fly back to the US. I miss you guys!
February 1st, 2010 at 5:23 pm
Looks like it's a very nice hotel.
February 20th, 2010 at 11:01 pm
Fantastic view!! 🙂