Wordful Wednesday: Castle Ruins in Hohenfels
Welcome to the month of April! I am gratefully welcoming this month with all my heart! I am also thankful for all the blessings that we receive everyday. God is truly great.
My WW entry is about the castle ruins in our place. I once received a comment before telling me how lucky I am to pass castles when doing my errands. I don’t only pass them but I live nearby a castle ruin. I always see this castle tower everyday from our garden. I also would like to share a birthday greetings to the Author of Wordful Wednesday. Happy birthday and wishing you many more birthdays to come!
I almost forgot to mention that this is my first entry for this meme…sorry I am late. guess I am too wordful now and have to end by sharing this picture below.

April 2nd, 2010 at 3:44 pm
I love the way the castle ruins look against the blue sky.
Interesting to read in the comment you left me about your husband's grandfather Bill Carver. I am a woman but was named after my grandfather who was always called Carver although that was his middle name. His first name is William. I am a woman and Carver was my middle name but I dropped my first name when I got married because no one ever called me anything but Carver. The grandfather I was named after died in 1925 when my mom was a baby.
April 2nd, 2010 at 3:57 pm
Hi Carver, thanks a lot for the comment and the info…appreciate it.
April 3rd, 2010 at 9:59 am
Hi, Rubz. Nice photo. You're so lucky to have lived near a castle ruin…