Bromeliad Flowers for the Start of June Month

Memorial day is over and the month of May is also gone! Time truly runs so fast now. Imagine we are almost in the middle of the year. I am just hoping that you all had a wonderful month of May. I had a very great one with all the sightseeing and trips last month, chaos in the house due to some renovations until now, some projects were done in my home country, meeting new friends online, some personal accomplishments, having a loving husband, some jobs done in our garden, partying with friends and a lot of simple things that made me happy and contented. The month of May was a memorable and lovely one for me and I am thankful to God about it!

Here are my beautiful Bromeliad flowers for you and I hope that you will also have a great month of June. Sorry for the late entry for my memes again. I took this picture during a visit to a garden center. I have a garden of Bromeliads before in my home country. Just letting you know that this flower belong to the family of Ananas or pineapple.
Feel free to visit and join these wonderful memes; Today’s Flowers, Mellow yellow, Ruby Tuesday, and Wordless Wednesday. Thanks to the Authors of these sites for sharing these memes to the blogosphere.

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3 Responses to “Bromeliad Flowers for the Start of June Month”

  1. reg Says:

    these flowers are so neat. I love the colour transitions threw them

  2. Joy Says:

    lovely!love it!

  3. Kramer Says:

    It's fun when the memes can be combined, makes for a challenging image to gather. Excellent!



Hi dear friends and visitors!! thanks for visiting me here!! Have a great and blessed day!!



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