Morning Session
Let us talk about some activities this time. It is probably some things that you always do every day or often as you want. I do always perform my morning session. How about you? First, I need to go to the bathroom to wash my face and do some personal necessities. I guess you know what I mean with this. Sometimes I use an acne face wash when there are huge pimples growing on my face. The last one I used was very effective because it was prescribed by my dermatologist. After bathroom time, I proceed to the kitchen to prepare my breakfast. I always drink green tea and toasted bread with nutella or marmalade. While doing so, I am reading the daily newspaper which we received everyday and tried to read the news and current events going on in our area and the whole country. At the same time, I am listening some music or news over the radio. Those are only some of my morning sessions and I love it.