Archive for October, 2010

The Old Castle in Stuttgart

I just shared an image of the New Castle in Stuttgart in my Europe Adventure blog. In this site, I am sharing a snapshot of the Old Castle or the Altes Schloss, as it is known in German language. It is also located in the center of Stuttgart near the New Castle. Now, this castle […]

No Uploading of Images

Good evening folks! I am back here again! I watched a very interesting TV program again. As I opened my account to update this site, this message below appeared on my screen; “Image uploads will be disabled for two hours due to maintenance at 5:00PM PDT Wednesday, Oct. 20th“ To all my fellow bloggers out […]

Monday Etc.

I just watched a German TV program. It was an interesting story. Thanks goodness that I already understand German language if not I will surely have difficulties in understanding the story. It is a part of my integration in this country and I love it. So, what’s up with my Monday? I was out again […]

An Apple A Day…

Here comes the saying again! An apple a day, keeps the doctor away. Don’t you know that there are around 7,500 varieties of apple and only 40 kinds of it are in the market for consumptions? I did know this after watching a German TV program that featured some things about apple. Eating an apple […]

Lord Mayor’s Show in London

I had witnessed the Lord Mayor’s Show in London, England during my visit last November 2008. The Lord Mayor’s Show, also called as Lord Mayor’s Parade is one of the notable and best known events in London dating back since 1535. The street parade is participated by different groups showing different carnival costumes and traditional […]



Hi dear friends and visitors!! thanks for visiting me here!! Have a great and blessed day!!



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