I believed most of you have seen signs of many forms, sizes, words, styles, colors and lay-outs. The most common signs I always see are on the road and on stores and shops that I visited. This is true especially when I go for grocery shopping every week. There are also these so-called safety signs that we can use at home especially when we have children. I guess one of my favorite signs especially when going for shopping is that discount signs that says 25% to 75% off. I believed most of you also love this sign. It seems that somebody is going for shopping on Monday. I am thinking if I am going with friends because right now, I need to save money for a purpose. I can’t say it right now. Probably in my next post! Enjoy your Friday!
I got an OPEN sign here. This was taken in an Italian restaurant in Passau, Germany during our visit last November 2009.