Tuesday Etcetera
Tuesday is almost over again. I had such a very busy day today. After I took my morning ceremony of drinking green tea with pecan pie this time, I immediately gathered all the stuffs that I need to pack my balikbayan boxes. I am done with the first one and starting the second one. I have to finish it before Thursday because it will be picked-up that day also. I need to catch-up the shipping on July 26, 2011. Some of the stuffs that I placed inside the box are needed as soon as possible. The shipping company told me that they won’t pick-up anymore boxes in our area but since I told him that some of the stuffs are very important, they finally agreed to pick it up.
The coming days will be busy also. I have a lot of things to do both online and offline. The garden especially needs some cleaning and yes, I need to clean-up the chaos in my computer room and in the guest room. It seems that most of the rooms in the house at the moment were hit by tornadoes….lol!
I guess this is the only update I can give you now. I have a lot of things to share but it seems that I don’t have much time for today. Goodnight folks! Take care all!