Using Social Media For Property Management
Modern companies now use social media to attract potential clients and business partners. Property managers can take advantage of social networks and other media sharing websites in order to build a large customer base. For example, videos of commercial properties that are for lease can be posted online. The videos may include virtual tours of the interior spaces in offices and retail establishments that are available for rent. Some videos can also show time lapses of the construction of brand new buildings including skyscrapers.
Multimedia can be used to highlight some of the innovative features of a new commercial space that’s for lease. For example, property managers can boast that their buildings are LEED certified. In other words, it is important to emphasize any “green” technology features in modern buildings that are leased to companies. Solar panels and recycled structural materials make up some green features of a contemporary building.
The high ranking individuals at property management firms should make personal videos that include brief professional profiles. Businesses are interested in finding out more information about the people that manage a leased space. It is important for a property management company to put a human face on its brand name.
When leasing retail space, property managers should make videos that advertise locations that are available for stores to open up. For example, exterior views of a major shopping mall should be included in a video that focuses on the actual storefront inside such a major shopping center. In other words, property managers need to show that their retail space is located in very busy locations with high pedestrian traffic. Traditional retail space in main streets and downtown areas is also appealing in today’s age. A property management company can highlight some of the great features of a downtown district that attracts local residents and some tourists. Hi Reit retail space is an example of commercial real estate that is available for lease through a major property management enterprise.
Social media websites should allow viewers to directly contact property management companies. Email addresses and phone lines should be posted on the profile page on a social media outlet. Users may also be able to leave comments and other feedback on the profile page of a property manager. For example, some people may leave positive reviews of available commercial space that is featured in some of the videos posted by property managers.