Thankful for A Good Month of February
February is almost ending! On the other side of the planet, it is actually over now and they are already entering the third month of 2015. Wow, time flies so fast and March is inevitable!
the Tower of the Nuremberg Castle during a sightseeing with a “kababayan” and her classmate from the Philippines.
First of all, I want to extend my gratitude to High Above for another wonderful month of the year. So far the love month went good and I cannot complain about it. Besides nothing will happen if we keep on complaining. Sometimes things don’t really happen the way we wanted it to be but there are always reasons for that. What we have to do is always be positive and do our best everyday. We never know today will be our last day. We have to strive to be happy even on simple things that we have.
Many things happened this month. There are trials and testings but they are parts of our lives. There are happy days and there are sad days but then life is still beautiful.
I am very thankful because over-all February is a great month. So many memorable things happened and I will for sure never forget them.
So far, here are the highlights for this month;
- Meeting a “kababayan” or fellowman from my home country.
- Visit to the Imperial city of Nuremberg, Germany.
- Visit to Walhalla, a German Hall of Fame near Regensburg.
- A Memorable Valentines Date with my bestfriend.
- Home project continues. I am getting ready to return home in some years.
- Happy to chat with family back home from now and then. Thanks to FB and Skype!
- Birthday celebration of my sister and father. Sad to say, I am so far away from home. I missed the lechon. lolz!
Here are the things I am thankful of;
- Thankful for the good health.
- Thankful for the job.
- Thankful for family and friends.
- Thankful for a good life.
- Thankful for all the blessings.
- Thankful for a warm home during cold winter season.
Lastly, I am thankful for all the opportunities God has given me everyday. I know I am not perfect but He is always perfect to me. I am hoping and praying that the month of March will be another good month too, not only for me but for my family, relatives, friends, online friends, social media friends and to everyone out there!
Cheers and see you next month!