Archive for the ‘Views Online’ Category

Miss The Sounds of Summer Festivals

Hello peeps! I am back in blogland! How is your weekend so far? It is almost ending in this part of the planet where I live and so far I cannot complain for it. Although not everything is really perfect but things are doing good in my side. There should be a lot of plans […]

Wish to Watch a Concert

I am back and thanks goodness, I am still alive and kicking! I guess, I am still having a jetlag from that long vacation in Asia. I  can’t still  fathom that I am back to reality for some  days now. This is probably the reason why I was not able to open my laptop for […]

3 Easy Changes You Can Make For A Healthier Home

Many of us are trying to make healthier changes to our lives. We’re addressing issues in our diet, exercise, and stress levels. But what about around the home? Your home is likely to be a place that you spend a large amount of time. You may work from home. But even if your profession takes […]

Why It is Important for a Blogger Like Me to Back-up All Important Files

Being a blogger is sometimes difficult especially if you are not a computer or tech geek. Thanks to my blogger friends and some blogger groups in the internet who are helping me with  problems I encounter especially  in my blogs, its hosting and the like. I am not really an expert but there are so […]

Skills You Develop from Working in Social Care

Social care jobs are wide-ranging, but anyone entering this area of work will develop a huge range of skills no matter what role they pursue or which kinds of people they work with. One of the biggest skills associated with social care jobs is the ability to be able to relate to a wide range […]



Hi dear friends and visitors!! thanks for visiting me here!! Have a great and blessed day!!



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