Archive for the ‘Views Online’ Category

Just a Simple Vehicle for a Future Business

Hello peeps! I am back here again. It took me awhile writing this short post because I am watching some videos in Youtube. These are actually  some  performances from “The X Factor Australia 2014”. The performers were really good but there will only be one winner at the end. Since I love listening to songs […]

Fasching, Carnival Season is Over Now

The fun and enjoyment during Fasching or carnival season is over now. It ended yesterday during the Ash Wednesday. I am glad to witness some Fasching festivals especially the carnival parades in Germany. It is indeed very exciting and entertaining. One of the  Fasching or carnival parades  I witnessed in Germany. Some of the things […]

Gift Ideas for Musicians

It is always good to give when I can only afford it. It makes me feel good when I am able to give. Since, I am going home for a long vacation, I have been searching and looking for gift ideas to my friends and family. I already bought some and I know it is […]

Hearing the Beat of the Drums in Cebu’s Sinulog Festival

When Rio de Janiero celebrates its famous carnival before Lent season, some other parts of the globe are also having the same celebration. Germany and other German-speaking countries like Austria and Switzerland are also celebrating their so-called Fasching, also called as Fastnacht, Fasnet or Fasnet, depending on the the location. It is simply called carnaval […]

Let’s Talk about Musical Instruments This Time

I never doubt you already know many things about musical instruments. When you are watching a concert, there are live bands who are using these instruments from guitars to flutes, drums, trumpets, metallophone, organs, pianos, saxophones and what else? Some of you might know more about it. Music instruments are history. It is already used […]



Hi dear friends and visitors!! thanks for visiting me here!! Have a great and blessed day!!



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