Thank You 2015 for the Amazing Highlights You Brought

A warm and positive welcome to 2016! I can’t believe that we are already stepping another year starting today. Indeed, time flies so fast. I can’t thank God enough for giving me an awesome 2015.   As what I mentioned here that there are ups and downs in our lives, 2015 was still a wonderful year if I have to sum it up. It was not a perfect year but there are more positive  outcomes and happenings that year.

The View across collapsed caldera in Santorini, Greece. Thank you 2015 for showing me beautiful places.

There are a lot to be thankful of. I would say, life has been better and lighter for me especially during the last month of 2015.  So far, for now, these are the highlights during the past year.

Traveled so far to 10 Countries

Despite having a full time job, I still managed to travel to 10 countries in Europe.  Thanks to the privilege of having a 30-day paid vacation leave each year in my job, I can explore any places or countries in  any continents.  Besides with my current location, it is so easy to travel  and cross country in some hours.  I wish I can  travel more but still, I am grateful that I  am fulfilling my dreams of seeing  the world little by little, from time to time. So far, the most traveled year I had was in 2013 visiting 23 countries all in all. (more…)


A Fabulous and Happy New Year 2016!

2015 is about to end in this part of the globe. In down under specially in Australia and in Asia, the people already welcomed New Year 2016. Cheers to all of you!


Before 2015 ends in Europe, I would like to thank God for an awesome 2015. I did say awesome since it is almost a perfect year for me and I hope for all of you too!  There might be ups and downs during the past 365 days but overall, it is a great year. I owe everything to God’s never-ending love, patience and goodness to me and I believed for all of you  too! (more…)


Have A Wonderful and Merry Christmas To All!

I guess, it is still not too late to greet everyone a very Merry Christmas! I wish all my family, friends, relatives, online friends, blogger perks, acquaintances, people whom I met from my travels and everyone in this beautiful world,  all the best that this holiday season may bring! Peace, love and unity to all mankind are my special prayers! God bless us all!


“During this season of giving, let us take time to slow down and enjoy the simple things. May this wonderful time of the year touch your heart in a special way. Wishing you much happiness today and throughout the New Year.”


Shopping for Special Presents This Holiday Season

Are you done with you shopping escapades this holiday season? I guess, not all of you!  I  know some of you have long lists of the  things you want  as presents this Christmas.  I have a long list too but I know, I can never have it all. I would be very happy if I can have a special present this Christmas.


This is also the reason why I  decided to drive to the nearest outlet store in the region. It took over an hour driving  to Ingolstadt Village yesterday. I decided to go there to do some Christmas shopping. I was thinking that once in a while, I have to reward myself for all the hard work I have  done the entire year. The best time to reward myself is during this holiday season. (more…)


Finding the Right Bag

LV.rubybenz.12.2015.bagsYou want to be able to find the right bag to accessorize your outfit. There are many cute choices out there depending on what you are looking for. You may want an elegant clutch, or you may be in search of something bigger like a handbag. The right choice will depend on what you plan on carrying with you and how much space you need. You can find all sorts of pocketbooks and handbags out there. There is sure to be a trendy and unique bag to complete your look and to help show off your personal sense of style.

Accent Styles
You can find bags that are accented with all kinds of fun things. Imagine owning a bag that has seashells decorating it, or look for bags that have bead work done on them. There are all sort of embellishments that can turn a pocketbook into one of your favorite treasures. (more…)



Hi dear friends and visitors!! thanks for visiting me here!! Have a great and blessed day!!



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