Thankful for A Good Month of February

February is almost ending! On the other side of the planet,  it is actually over now and they are already entering the third month  of 2015. Wow, time flies so fast  and March is inevitable!

the Tower of the Nuremberg Castle during  a sightseeing with a  “kababayan”  and her classmate from the Philippines.

First of all, I want to extend my gratitude to High Above for another  wonderful month of the year.  So far the love month went good and I cannot complain about it. Besides nothing will  happen if we keep on complaining.  (more…)


Uses for Your Jersey Display Case

LV.EG.02.2015.41igcdhwgulJersey display cases are designed to keep special jerseys safe and clean while allowing them to be proudly displayed through the clear protective covering, usually made of plexiglass. Such display cases can be great for holding special memorabilia or items of personal significance. Display cases have a wide range of personal and professional uses, easily finding a prominent place in any home, dorm room, school hallway, gymnasium, museum or office. (more…)


Another Home Project is Going On

Hello guys! Another TGIF is here and yes, happy TGIF to all!  I hope you are all doing great out there. Not really for me because I am not feeling good since the  last days. I am thankful that I am feeling  better now.

Let me go back to the main topic. This is another project that is going on right now.  I know, it was  a tough decision  when I finally decided to built another house.  I am grateful that during the past years, I  bought a lot in my home country and this is now the site where the house will stand. 1
Starting of the construction. Photo from last month of January 2015.

Starting of the Construction

There is really no plan of building a house there  but plans changed and finally, the construction of the second home started three months ago. In short, during the last week of November 2014. (more…)


A Memorable Sunday

The weather was again foggy in the morning especially in our area.  The past days, it was the same and I guess, this is also the effect why I am feeling a bit weak. In short, I want sunshine and I am thankful that I experienced  it in the afternoon.  For some, this cold and gray weather make them lonely and  depressed. I might be feeling the same sometimes especially when I think that back home in my home country, the sun is shining the whole day. Oh my!… not the feeling of being homesick again!

A Plate of Sushi and Veggies during a buffet lunch today.


Four Seasons in a Day

What a cold winter day! Some friends from the Philippines are complaining that it is already getting so hot like summer season there. On the contrary, we are currently having winter time.

View from the bathroom and the roof of the big patio/garage at home.

I was not at home this weekend since I have to go to work. Today was quite a crazy weather. There were times of the day when the sun was fully shining. After some time, I was surprised while looking at the window at work,  seeing the snow slowly fulling down. It lasted for some hours and later again the sun was shining. (more…)



Hi dear friends and visitors!! thanks for visiting me here!! Have a great and blessed day!!



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