Is Your Guest Room Ready For Christmas Visitors?

IMG_8553Wouldn’t it be great to have a beautiful guest room in your home that made your family and friends feel like they were staying in a luxury hotel whenever they came to stay? Of course it would, and browsing some of these fantastic guest room designs can make a lot of us pretty envious, considering in most houses, the guest room is more like a storage room for all kinds of general stuff we don’t really know what else to do with.  (more…)


5 cheap ways to make your home more appealing to guests

Home makeovers can be costly, but it is possible to make your home more appealing without splashing out a premium. How can you achieve this?Hardcover books arranged tidy on wooden bookshelf

  1. Throw out the clutter

This is a totally free way to make the space in your home look more inviting and presentable. All you have to do is throw away the junk and donate anything in your home that is no longer useful to you right now; or in the foreseeable. Why keep that old typewriter you’ve not used in a decade? Do you really need to keep the hundreds of CDs stacked up in the corner? What of old, worn out toys? You will be surprised how much space you can free up by doing this. (more…)


Beating the Rush – Preparing for Cooking at Christmas

With only a couple of weeks until Christmas and the New Year, there isn’t much time left to organize your Christmas, New Year’s Eve and New Year dinners. Getting fully prepared for the forthcoming festive meals is easy with these tips and suggested dishes.CIMG3960

Finalize guest list and menu

Some people tend to go overboard when it comes to preparing meals for the festive seasons. Finalize your guest list so you’re clear how much food you need (list all the ingredients you’ll need for each dish so that you won’t be prone to buy on impulse). List the dishes you want to cook for your holiday dinner parties. You can start with family favorites and then add in a few new dishes. Think about drink options and some simple nibbles before the main dinner.  (more…)


Happy with the Little Accomplishments at Home

The days are getting busy. I know many of you are really very busy everyday especially those who are working full timXmas.decors.IMG_7358e. I am talking about women here. When you come back at home, you still have the family and children to take care of, house chores to do and other personal things to be done. I can’t imagine busy mothers out there who have these situations. Respect to them and thank goodness, I am not one, but still I always have a busy life everyday.

I am thankful that these week, I have done little accomplishments. These maybe simple but I am happy that I was able to do it despite busy schedule. Here they are;

Putting-Up the  Christmas Decors

Christmas is almost here. In my home country, people start to decorate starting the first BER month. This means that some are already putting-up their Christmas decorations in September. This also means that I am already late. lolz! I am glad that my Christmas tree, the Advent wreath and putting up of Christmas decors on the windows are already done. I just need to put another hanging wreath on the entrance door and everything is good, I guess. It was quite a work especially getting the stuffs at the attic and putting the decors together. (more…)


New Winter Tires for my Car

How’s your weekend folks? I hope you are ending it great. To all my friends in Asia and Australia since it is over for you now, I hope you had a nice one. I am glad,  I am feeling very better now after being hit by a flu virus. Thanks goodness, I immediately went to the doctor for medicine prescription or else, I will not really feel better.

I am also glad that the new winter tires were finally put-up in my car. It is very important especially that winter is fast approaching. For now, we are having a mild autumn compared to the first years I had here in Europe. Those first years had really bad weather especially during autumn and winter seasons. The temperature the past days were still positive and it is not falling to sub-zero specially during the day. (more…)



Hi dear friends and visitors!! thanks for visiting me here!! Have a great and blessed day!!



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